Johanna Martinsen
I'm a 24yrs young Swedish/Norwegian lifestyle blogger with a big heart for family, friends, fashion & travel. A mother, lifestyle blogger, and a twitter addicted great hugger. I write about pretty much everything that goes through my mind. Overcoming our fears, cooping with chronic pain, raising a wild toddler or just dribble over some beautiful fashion items. What ever crosses my mind will end up here or on my other social medias.
I started this blog as a way for me to express my inner thoughts and to help others in need. What ever you cooping with you're not alone. There is always someone out there whose bin through your shit but not everyone is strong, or should I say bold, enough to talk about it with an open mind or in public. Well I'm so here on this blog I can express what every I want without any judgement. I know it can be very hard to open up your heart and speak but trust me it does help. Let me know if you want me to touch a surten subject or just want someone to talk to.
Contact info:
Twitter: @lilljajja
Instagram: @johannamartinsen
Email: [email protected]
Ett snabbt tips. Innan du lägger ut klipp, redigera dem alltså klipp bort tysta stunder, felsägningar så att klippet rullar på lite bättre. Annars bra ämne. Dock förstår man inte riktigt när man inte känner dig vilka du pratar om...